All pictures from Elle Decor
How much luxury can you pack in a home?
The answer: As much as you want!
I recently fell in love with this royal home, not only because it's ultra glamorous but also because it's fearless in terms of design! My first impression was: Sure! If you are royalty you can live like that. And then I thought,
why do we limit luxury and glamour to the royalty only?
I know bold patterns, marble walls and an big presence of gold accents is not for everyone. But it also awakens the happy spirits in me! You see what I say? I even write like that when I'm influenced by intense design. I love it and I embrace it. A home should be elegant, comfortable, luxurious, and make YOU feel like a princess - or queen! Your home is your castle. It could be a Scandinavian or minimalist castle, but it must make you happy.
And this ultra everything design makes ME so happy. So, I follow my instinct and try to be fearless too. It's unavoidable.
Have an intense week, darling! xx.