Somehow January always brings me the need of starting a cleansing diet, busting my exercise routine and organizing the house! It’s the first month of the year, and I feel like I want to start in the right way. Do you feel the same?

Organizing closets can be a great way to maintain a clean and pretty room. Here are some before and after pictures I wanted to share with you, as well as the basic steps I always consider while organizing any closet in the house.

This time, I helped one of my best friends with her 14 year-old daughter’s space. Any teenager deserves to have an inspiring spot to discover herself and her personal style, right? :) I worked together with her to get a better idea of her particular routine and preferences (favorite blouses, volleyball calendar, etc.). It was such a fun project, and I think we got great results.


If you are thinking about re-organizing any of your closets or helping a friend with it, I would recommend to keep in mind these steps:

  1. Set the mood for some serious work. I’m not joking. Keep in mind that this process will take at least a couple of hours - depending on each case. So, play music, bring some wine, or whatever that will ease the cleaning phase, and help you keep going. 
  2. Ask for help. Call a friend, or a family member who can keep you company. Having someone to chat with when you are tired of seeing hangers all over your bedroom is a big plus. If you are lucky, you will have one of those rare friends - like me - who actually feels energized and inspired when organizing things :)  
  3. Completely empty your closet. No question. This has to be done in order to get good results. Clean and vacuum it, if needed. 
  4. Try it on. Yes, you have to take the time to try some clothes on. A good rule of thumb is: If you haven’t used it in a year, toss it. If if doesn’t fit, donate it.
  5. Toss and donate. Keep two big bags next to you when you are cleaning: one for clothes that you are donating, and one for trash. I’m always amazed by the amount of trash I find in my closet - and never understand how it gets there.
  6. Have fun organizing! This is the easiest part, so enjoy it! Place your favorite shirts or accessories in a privileged spot, so you can see them and use them often. Organize things by color, season or style. Remember you will start your day getting dressed. Make this your pretty space!

Ta-dah! Here’s the final result. Do you have any tips for closet organization? Share them with us! :)