5 Steps to Style your Work Space
April is here! Lots of things are happening in my life these days and I seriously need to get organized on all projects - especially the fun ones! So, first things first, I knew I had to set up an inspiring and fresh work space where magic could happen - and my work space was basically my dining table (seriously, every time). Here´s a before picture of my cluttered desk at home - not so pretty huh? Keep reading to see the big change!
I definitely was not taking full advantage of this room at home. And even though I liked the classic lines in our desk I never put time to style it properly (sad face!) it kind of stayed there being dark and unattractive, until now!

Luckily I was energized that day; went out and got some pretty accessories to transform the whole room into a bright inspiring area. I did it using these 5 simple steps:
1. Lighting: The most important part of a work area, especially if you work late or if you don’t have much natural light in the room. Look at this pretty lamp I found at HomeGoods. It was love at first sight.
2. Storage: Get creative! Besides files and folders, add small containers for clips, tacks and pencils. Use what you have around the house, and try reusing gift boxes, dishes and containers. Add an inspiration board nearby where you can also hang notes and to-do’s (those cork tiles are perfect for that!).

3. Working Area:Make sure you have room for creating. This desk has a drawer where I can hide my computer when not using it. There’s plenty of clean space to write, including a pretty tray that holds notepads and pens, and can be moved around to accommodate my needs.
4. Comfort: I moved this little bench to the side and use it as a place to put my purse, jacket or whatever before I sit down to work. I can access my stuff easily and always have a place for it - instead of using the couch or the floor (yikes!) Have you seen the fussy rug under my chair? It feels so good under my feet and adds some texture to the area.
5. Personalize it: Make the space yours! Bring flowers, pretty notebooks, your favorite washi tape, whatever that will brighten up your working routine and keep you going. Best thing about desks? You can always change their whole appearance with just a couple of new accessories, and give them a fresh look.
Do you have a similar project in mind? I keep re-arranging furniture and changing accessories in the house. This desk might get some transformations soon - which I’ll make sure to share with you ;)
Thanks so much for passing by! xo,